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PT. INDONESIA JAYA WISATAKU, which means "My Tour of the Glorious Indonesia", is a tour organizer company that handles everything in regards with hotel or villa-booking (ranging from budget accommodations to 3, 4 and even 5-star hotels or luxury villas) as well as land-based and seafaring tours of any kind to any destination all over Indonesia. We possess experienced and dedicated staff-members as well as very solid working network with various top-level hotels, villas and restaurants and we are a member of ASITA (Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies) who always participate in big tourism exhibitions in India, such as SATTE (South Asian Tours and Travel Exhibition) and OTM (Outbound Travel Mart). In line with our motto, "JOIN US, ENJOY OUR BEST SERVICE, RETURN WITH SWEET MEMORIES", our company - which is based in Bali - offers a wide range of full-day, half-day and adventure or specialised tour packages to various destinations in Bali and beyond at competitive and reasonable prices while always giving priorities to our customer's satisfaction with our balanced mix of modern standard service and Balinese local wisdom and tradition.


As the primary tourist destination in Indonesia, this world-famous island with its 8 regencies surely offers a long list of choices regarding tourist objects/ attractions. From a geographic point of view, we may roughly divide this island province into several imaginary regions or parts in order to make it easier for our customers to make their tour selections:  

  • Firstly, the southern part which mainly includes the entire Badung Regency along with Denpasar as the province's capital city and some parts of Tabanan Regency. This is where some of the most famous beaches in Bali are located, such as, Kuta, Legian, Sanur and Nusa Dua, as well as some of the most celebrated temples in Bali, for instance Tanah Lot, Uluwatu or Taman Ayun temples. Most of the newest and modern tourist attractions are also located within this region. It is really suitable for those who seek for big city attractions or amusement although there are also lots of traditional or cultural attractions and quiet places, like Nusa Dua, to visit. Anybody can have a half-day or full-day tour of various locations in this area and freely pick themselves any destination along the route.
  • Secondly, the central part, where most of the cultural and artistic attractions can be found, mainly comprises Gianyar Regency and some parts of Bangli Regency. for those who love art, whether it is visual, performance, traditional or other forms, this is the right place to visit. Ubud is no doubt the center of attraction here, yet there are still many other interesting sites, old and new ones, to visit just like Goa Gajah, Tampaksiring or Tirta Empul to name a few for the first category and Bali Bird Park or Bali Marine Park for the second category. Still, there is Kintamani district with the largest lake in Bali, Lake Batur and one of the island's two volcanoes, Mount Batur as its main tourist objects, where people who have a certain interest in old anthropology might want to go across the lake by boat to visit the old original Balinese village of Trunyan, with its unique ancient custom of just putting corpses on a plot of open graveyard without any stinking odor from them and those who are keen of adventure can climb to the peak of Batur. People need at least a full-day tour to have a good experience in this second part of Bali.
  • Thirdly the eastern part, consisting of Klungkung and Karangasem Regencies, mostly provides cultural and natural attractions. Bali's biggest and main temple, Besakih Temple, is located in this region. There are the famous Lempuyang and Goa Lawah Temples too. The old courts of Kertha Gosa in Klungkung and Taman Ujung in Karangasem are also worth visiting, especially for architectural enthusiasts. Other attractions here mainly involve panoramic natural views, one of them is Mount Agung as the highest peak and the most active volcano in Bali, and beach activities like snorkeling or even diving, that can be done in some well-known sites, such as Tulamben, Amed or Padangbai waters. A full-day tour is still possible to organize for this third part, except for certain far-off coastal or seafaring adventures which may take more than a day depending on which destination or activities one chooses.
  • Fourthly, the northern part, that mostly offers panoramic views, though situated a long way from Denpasar with its winding roads through Bali's central mountain range which constitutes the part of Tabanan and Buleleng Regencies, is guaranteed to give you a different kind of refreshment that is hard to find in other parts of Bali. Its main attraction, the cool and beautiful village of Bedugul by the side of Lake Beratan, with its equally famous Ulun Danu Temple, and the Eka Karya Botanical Garden are certainly places for mind relaxation. Besides there are still two smaller lakes nearby, Lakes Buyan and Tamblingan, which have really unforgettably magnificent panorama surrounding them, with lots of rest areas and photo spots for visitors to choose. Further north, some wonderful waterfalls are waiting to be visited by people longing for real natural beauty, sounds and smells, while at the northernmost tip of Bali island, the Lovina Beach as arguably the most famous site for snorkeling and dolphin watching of this island is the main object to visit along with the surrounding objects (the biggest Buddhist Vihara in Bali and the hot-spring nearby, both in the district of Banjar, only 6 km to the south-west of it). For visiting Bedugul and around, it is still possible to opt for a full-day tour but beyond that, one may need at least a two-day tour.
  • The last or western part as the farthest area from Denpasar should be reserved for those who mainly want adventure or total tranquility for much of its area which belongs to Jembrana and Buleleng Regencies constitutes the West Bali National Park in which lives the very rare and endemic mascot of this island, the Bali Starling, that is close to extinction yet anybody can still watch them in their restricted breeding area at this place. This area with very special aura will remind anybody visiting it of the wild west American savannah or the African Safariland, minus the big and dangerous animals. The biggest animals one may find there are wild boars or deer. It is also interesting to note that this area has a big cocoa plantation for those who are interested in special agro-tour. It is no longer possible to select a full-day tour for this remotest part of Bali. At least a 3-day tour will do.


There are three small islands to the east of Denpasar belonging to Klungkung Regency; Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan, and one very small one to the north-west, Pulau Menjangan, meaning deer island, which is located in the Buleleng Regency. For those who love water-sports or beach and seafaring activities these are perfect tour choices that should not be missed. If one chooses a high-adrenaline diving tour, for instance, the islands of Klungkung Regency provide some interesting spots to try. Some attractions people may find there are the "mola-mola" or sunfish, a giant tail-less fish that some claim as one of the strangest creatures ever exist, sea turtles, or other exotic marine creatures. If, on the other hand, one selects Menjangan island, the main attraction is the safe and calm waters around it and the magnificent coral and other marine life under its surface. The visit to this tiny island can always be included in the tour of the western part of Bali or the fifth region in Bali as described above.

There is also Gili Trawangan, a tiny island located in Lombok Strait that can be visited by catamaran cruise, either to see the sunrise with a backdrop of Mount Rinjani - the highest peak in Lombok or to see the sunset with a backdrop of Mount Agung - the highest peak in Bali. The location of this island is so ideal to catch both marvelous views while still being able to enjoy the sea view around during the day and the romantic dinner by the sea at night.


The nearest and much larger province to the west of Bali, East Java, has a very close historical relationship with Bali. It offers its own touristic attractions which are truly worth visiting. Take for example Bromo and Ijen, two famous volcanoes with their wonderful views of sunrise, both amazing in very different ways. On the top of the first mount visitors are able to witness the breathtaking sunrise from the rim of its crater on horseback or on foot after crossing a desert-like area in the dawn mist while observing the way of life of the local people who are Hindu themselves but not so similar as Balinese Hindu people. On the top of the second mount visitors are able to see a quite different breathtaking sunrise view from the crater with its blue flame spot. It is not easy at all to precisely express our feeling of amazement at the views from both locations.

Farther to the west is the next province of Central Java which is approximately about the same size as East Java. This one offers an abundance of cultural sites and attractions to visit, mostly in the form of Candi or temple. Candi Borobudur is one of them. It is the biggest and greatest Buddhist Temple in Indonesia. There are two smaller temples to the east of it, Candi Mendut and Candi Pawon. The three temples stand in one single line. One may compare the grandeur of this line of three temples with that of Angkor Watt in Cambodia while still wondering how even before the end of the first millennia people were capable of building such great monuments that still astound modern people like us. There is another complex of temples, this time it is a Hindu one, i.e. Candi Prambanan that was dedicated to The Trimurti; Brahma, Wishnu and Siwa, that is the second biggest temple after Borobudur. The list of temples continues with Candi Sewu, Candi Kalasan and Candi Plaosan. While visiting these temples, people can also watch the performance of Ramayana Ballet, namely the Javanese version of the famous Ramayana Story of India with Candi Prambanan as the background and have a tour of Yogyakarta, a city with a special status (Daerah Istimewa) that is at the same level as a province, even though its size is more or less equal as Denpasar in Bali. This special city of Yogyakarta is the domain of the Sultan Hamengku Buwono, whose palace (or Keraton as it is usually called) can also be visited to see the Sultan's old collections of Batik clothes and other royal regalia or paraphernalia as well as the lives of his many entourages and servants and the shows they perform, such as Javanese dancing, "gamelan" or xylophone playing and puppet show. This city, with its alluring humble and traditional ambiance, along with all the temples mentioned above is generally considered as the second most famous tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali.

Still farther to the west is the province of West Java where the people are called Sundanese (indeed they call their province "Tanah Pasundan", meaning land of the Sunda people or "Tanah Priangan", referring to "Parahyangan", the name of their old Kingdom). The capital city of this province, i.e. Bandung - that was called "Paris van Java" by the Dutch colonialists while Indonesians prefer to call it "Kota Kembang" which means City of Flowers - is situated on a highland so it is generally cool there. This is a highly historical city; once during our struggle for independence in 1945 it was burned down by Indonesian freedom fighters to deny the Dutch from using it to their advantages - hence the moment was remembered as "Bandung Lautan Api" that means Bandung as a sea of flame, and ten years afterwards in 1955 it was chosen to host the well-known Asia-Africa Conference of the newly independent nations from both continents. Nowadays, just like Bali, this "Paris of Java" has become one of the hubs of creative industry in Indonesia, primarily in modern style fashion and accessories, ranging from head to toe, A-Z. It is indeed a must for fashion lovers to visit. It also has a planetarium and a floating market where any culinary lover can find a wide range of food selection. A tour of this fourth biggest city in Indonesia may be extended to some interesting places around it, for instance the crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu (meaning "overturned boat" from a local legend) and Ciater Hot Springs that has warm sulphurous water where one can take advantages of its healing properties by taking a bath there.

Another city to visit in West Java is Bogor, which is situated only about 60km from Jakarta and being famous for its Safari Park and Botanical Garden. The Safari Park of Bogor has a collection of more than 2000 animals originating both from Indonesia and abroad that can be watched not inside their cages but rather in their habitat through which one passes in a safari jeep. The Bogor Botanical Garden, as the first and the biggest of its kind in Indonesia up to now, holds a collection of some rarest and most exotic plants of Indonesia. Its management is under the supervision of Bogor's Institute of Agriculture, the best agricultural campus in Indonesia. A visit to a tea plantation, Gunung Mas (meaning Mount of Gold), that produces Walini, one of the main tea brand of Indonesia is the next interesting thing to do in this tour.

Finally, it is Jakarta as the next destination. For those who come to Indonesia for the first time it is highly recommendable to visit Monas (Monumen Nasional) and TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). The first - situated at the center of Merdeka (Independent) Square in Central Jakarta - constitutes the main landmark of Jakarta and also symbolizes Indonesian Independence from colonialism, whereas the second - the Miniature Park of the Beautiful Indonesia - is a place where anybody can have an excellent view and understanding of each and every single one of all the 33 provinces of this country. Each province's art and culture are magnificently represented and displayed here for all to admire. There is also a museum inside this park, Museum Indonesia that displays various types of handicrafts and daily utensils from all the 33 provinces of Indonesia. Several other attractive places to visit in Jakarta are, among others, the Istiqlal Mosque that is located just across the Monas, the Ancol Seaworld in North Jakarta that is being gradually expanded to be the biggest sea park in the world, or Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, located nearby, as Jakarta's old town where there are still lots of old-style buildings reflecting the city's glorious past as a big harbor city. As a hustle and bustle metropolitan, Jakarta is off-course a shopping paradise too and for night-life addicts this city also offers a long array of discotheques, karaokes, night-clubs, bars and so on to enjoy.


  • Half-day Tours: this is only possible for the area of southern and central Bali, such as Denpasar, Ubud, Uluwatu, Benoa Beach or Tanah Lot. Some tours of this type are given below as examples:  
    • Half-day Denpasar City Tour: this capital of Bali has indeed some interesting spots to visit, such as the Jagatnatha Temple as the city's main temple, the Museum of Denpasar which is next to it, the Bajra Sandhi Monument as one of Denpasar's primary landmarks with its own diorama museum inside it, the Kumbasari traditional market, Kerthalangu tourism village, the 3-D museum, etc.
    • Half-day Ubud Art and Village Tour: in this tour Ubud is not the only village to visit, rather it is only the final destination. Along the way, visitors drop by first in Batubulan village to have a look at the making of batik or hand-woven clothes in which they, if interested, can have a try to do so with the expert's guidance of course. The next drop is Celuk Village, where visitors can directly see gold and silversmiths at work in their studios producing magnificently detailed jewelry and handicrafts. Afterward, it is the turn of Mas Village, the center of woodcarving industry, where visitors see how statues and carvings of various shapes and sizes are made by the skillful hands of the carvers. It must be noted that all the wood used in the process is certified by the government as legal and safe or pest-free. Then finally in Ubud itself, there are many painting studios and museums that can be visited, where anybody can have an in-depth dialog with the escorting artists concerning anything about the paintings on display.
    • Half-day Tanah Lot Temple and Sunset Tour: this is the most-visited, painted and photographed Temple in Bali that visitors can admire at close range and as the sun gradually goes down it becomes more and more impressing to see the temple going slowly into the obscurity of a silhouette with a mixture of purple, red, orange and yellow sky as its background. Before that happens, however, everybody can shop in one (or more) of the many shops lining the pathway towards the temple area or enjoy the surrounding area itself, including the sights of bi-colored (black-yellow) or tri-colored (black-red-white) tame little sea-snakes which can be seen among the holes at the sea rock that forms the base of the temple. The local people believe them to be guarding the temple against unseen bad influences.
      Note: This tour option can be coupled with 2 hours of Balinese massage treatment.
    • Half-day Uluwatu Temple and Sunset Tour: this option is a bit similar to the one mentioned above, i.e. the breath-taking combination of the silhouette of still another famous Balinese Temple over the background of the beautiful sunset view, only this time the temple is perched on top of a steep 825m-high cliff face by the side of the vast Indian Ocean and its guardians are not colorful sea-snakes but lots of aggressive gray monkeys instead.
      Note: This tour option can be added with Kecak Dance performance.
    • Half-day Garuda Wishnu Kencana and Uluwatu Tour: This is a new tour of a new Tourist attraction - the giant statue of God Wishnu riding on a gigantic mythical bird of Garuda - which was designed and built by Nyoman Nuarta since 1997 and was just finished in August of 2018. This monumental landmark of Bali that stands 150m tall with a wingspan of 64m across is made of more than 4000 tons of brass and copper, and is equipped with a pedestal which is surrounded by more than 240 hectares of cultural park. From this site the tour is continued to Uluwatu temple that is located not very far from there to enjoy the spectacular sunset.
    • Half-day Bali Bird Park: This tour of one of the most visited sites in Bali is surely a wonderful one, where visitors can see more than 1000 birds from about 250 species, including Bali's mascot bird - the Bali Starling that is close to extinction. Some of the bird species are very tame and can be hand-fed directly or be photographed while perching on one's hand, head or shoulders.
  • Full-day Tours: this option is much broader than the first which comprises almost all places in Bali, with the exception of a few certain sites in the remote northern and western area of this island. Several examples of various combination are given below:  
    • Full-day Kintamani and Ubud Tour: this tour can be seen as the extension of Half-day Ubud village tour combined with a further visit to Kintamani to enjoy the beautiful view around the volcano and the lake and the cool temperature as well, and ended by a sightseeing and shopping session around the central market of Ubud. In this tour, customers are invited to admire the beauty of Balinese art and the beauty of Balinese mountain panorama before ending it up with the joy of buying some pieces of the artful souvenirs.
      Note: There are some variations of this tour option in which some other sites or attractions are added to the main tour plan. Some choices of the additional sites or attractions are, for instance, Tirta Gangga Palace, Tegenungan Waterfall, Tegallalang ricefields, Monkey Forest, Goa Gajah or Campuhan Ridge Walk for sites and Barong, Sanghyang Jaran or Kecak Dance for attractions and Sunset Dinner Cruise can also be opted for an addition.
    • Full-day Benoa Beach and Uluwatu Sunset Tour: this tour is the combination of doing aquatic activities in Tanjung Benoa and watching the beauty of the sunset over Uluwatu Temple. This can be said briefly about this tour: Satisfy your adventurous desire by trying the thrill and sensation of highly exciting watersports and relax your mind afterward with the beautiful view of sunset over Uluwatu Temple.
      Note: This tour choice can also be coupled with additional sites or items, like Dreamland or Pandawa Beach or Kecak Dance performance.
    • Full-day Bedugul and Tanah Lot Sunset tour; this tour is still another combination of sensational experiences. Exploring the cool and refreshing area of Bedugul and around, visitors can enjoy the magnificence of the Ulun Danu Temple by the side of Lake Beratan where they can also see a wonderful Buddhist stupa nearby before continuing the journey to the twin-lake area a bit farther to the north for more stunning panoramic views to refresh their mind some more. By the end of the day, they get their final sensational experience by enjoying the area around Tanah Lot Temple with its mind-refreshing view of the sunset over the seaside temple. In the end, everyone can therefore compare and combine in their hearts and minds both beauties of the lakeside temple view of Bedugul during the day and the seaside temple view of Tanah Lot by the end of the day.
      Note: Alas Kedaton, a preserved small piece of forested land with a temple inside it and inhabited by plenty of monkeys and large fox-bats around it and Taman Ayun Temple which possesses very nice water canals around the temple area can be added to this tour package.
    • Full-day Bedugul and Uluwatu Tour: This tour combines the coolness of the area around Bedugul and its beautiful surrounding mountain sceneries with the warmth of the evening sunset at Uluwatu with its equally beautiful surrounding coastal sceneries.
    • Full-day Bedugul and Jatiluwih Tour: This choice of a tour provides participants with the refreshing natural beauties of the mountain and the three lakes in and around Bedugul, coupled with the man-made beauties of terraced lush green rice-fields of Jatiluwih - the rice barn of Bali, that expands from the foot of the mountain area around Mount Batukaru, the second highest peak in Bali, to the coastal area of Tabanan.
    • Full-day Goa Gajah, Gunung Lebah Temple, Puri Saren Palace Tour with Legong Dance Performance of the Epic of Mahabharata: This tour takes tourists to pay a visit, firstly to the ancient meditating site of Goa Gajah (Elephant's Cave) in Bedulu village, in which half of the precious structures were, sadly, destroyed by an earthquake long ago, then subsequently to the temple of Gunung Lebah (Mount of Bees) and the Puri Saren Palace, both are in Ubud, the latter of which was the royal residence of the King of Ubud. It is ended by a show of Legong Dance, one of the most famous Balinese dancings.
    • Full-day East Coast and Mother Temple Tour: This tour takes visitors to visit Kertha Gosa, the ancient hall of justice full of sinister paintings about the many kinds of sufferings evildoers or lawbreakers would get for their sins and the glory and joy innocent people would get for their obedience to the rules, the temple of Goa Lawah (bat cave) which is, as indicated by the name, located at the mouth of a cave inhabited by thousands of bats flying or hanging around and finally Besakih Temple or Balinese "Mother Temple" with its majestic appearance that reflects the deep-rooting Hinduism in Bali.
  • Adventure or Special-Purpose Tours: this kind of tour is for those with specific interests, for instance cycling, white-water rafting, buggy or quad-riding, agro-tourism and many more. Below are some examples:  
    • Half-day Benoa Beach Tour: the main purpose of this tour is of course the many types of watersports available such as para-sailing, banana-boat riding, jet-skiing, sea-walking, etc.
      Note: This tour can be coupled with 2 hours of massage treatment in order to relax the stiff muscles after doing the various aquatic activities.
    • Sunset Dinner Cruise: this tour spoils guests with the unforgettable experience of having good food for their dinner on the top deck of a special cruise ship that take them on a relaxing sea journey around the harbor and the special entertainment of live music, disco and cabaret show on board.
      Note: This tour can also be coupled with 2 hours of Balinese massage treatment and there is a special variation of this tour by Skylight Tour that offers exclusively Indian themes for the food and entertainment, including Bollywood songs and dances, and even Jain food on request.
    • Full-day Lembongan Island Cruise: this sailing journey from Benoa Harbor to the tiny Lembongan Island off to the southeast of Denpasar provides guests with a good chance to spend the day lying on the golden sand of the island's tranquil beach, cooling themselves in the lagoon pool, or doing a selection of watersports like banana-boat riding or snorkeling, enjoying good barbecue and the sunset by the end of the day.
    • Full-day Three-Island Cruise; This is a complete tour of the three islands to the southeast of Bali, Nusa Penida, Lembongan and Ceningan at once, accompanied by activities like beach-combing the white sand of the pristine beaches, snorkeling to have a marvelous view of the colorful coral reef around the area or swimming around.
    • Full-day Bali Safari and Marine Park: this tour gives the participants an excellent chance to observe more than 60 species of land and marine animals in their natural habitat from close proximity by a tram and even to touch or cuddle some of the baby animals - orangutan, tiger, lion or leopard. There are also some animal attractions there.
    • Full Day White-water Rafting: this totally safe and all-age water adventure gives participants a chance to enjoy the coolness of Ayung River's water by directly paddling through its winding course, exciting waterfalls and the lush vegetation on its sides while enjoying the panorama of terraced rice-fields or other lovely sceneries along both the riversides.
    • Kintamani mountain or Carangsari Village cycling: these cycling adventure tours are designed for those who love trying new, unknown back routes inaccessible by cars, through small villages and rural sceneries exploring the beauty of the countryside. The first one that starts and ends in Ubud is only for those with peak physical fitness for its route includes considerable ascending parts to the caldera, while the second is considered safe for all age and does not require very high physical fitness.
    • Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking Tour: As its name indicates, this is an on-foot climb of Mount Batur to feel the real thrill of watching the sunrise from the very top of the volcano, continued next with a visit to Pineh Colada Bali Coffee Plantation and Organic Farm to have a try at some banana fritters, coffee and fruits right from the location.
    • Quad Buggy Ride Tour: Encountering the wilderness of Bali while driving through the countryside of some of Bali's most isolated hamlets on a specially-designed all-terrain buggy car or a 4-wheeled motorbike, passing rice-paddies, wild bushes, or forested land is the essence of this highly adventurous journey. The good news are the guests do not have to have prior experience in riding ATV's and do not even have to own a driving license for this activity. Everyone is assisted by experienced guides and everything will be just fine.
    • Full-day at Bali Zoo: One very interesting offer by the first and only Zoological Park in Bali for this choice is a close-up and intimate relationship with some of the more than 450 species inhabiting it, for instance hand feeding and touching the deer, playing with the rabbits, getting a hold on some snake species, etc.
    • Full-day Butterfly Park Tour: Taman Kupu-Kupu Bali or Bali Butterfly Park located in Kemenuh village, Gianyar Regency provides an educational and recreational tour through a net-covered flowery garden area that houses about 500 species of butterflies which flies around in many shapes and sizes with their colorful wings to bring amazement to their watchers.
    • Full-day Dolphin Watching at Lovina Beach and Gitgit Waterfall Tour: This north Bali tour package offers an impressing experience of sailing on a small boat while having some dolphins swimming along close around the boat and occasionally jumping over the sea surface in graceful moves and having a look at a single and a multi-tiered Waterfalls in Gitgit village on the way back to Denpasar.
    • Devdan Show by Bali Nusa Dua Theatre: This is a world class show demonstrating the treasure of the Indonesian archipelago, namely the richness and diversity of Indonesian cultural heritage, in the form a visual tour of the culture of Indonesia that is performed in a marvellous combination of modern dance, excellent aerial acrobatic moves, wonderful costumes and hi-tech special effects.

Besides the above mentioned tour packages we still have some other packages of tour beyond Bali to offer. We give some as examples below:

  • Full-day tour of Yogyakarta: This tour includes the Sultan's Keraton or Palace as the first destination to visit, then continued with a visit to Candi Prambanan, the ancient Hindu Temple which is the second biggest temple of Indonesia and ended by a visit to Candi Borobudur, the ancient Buddhist temple which is the biggest temple of Indonesia.
  • Full-day Tour of Prambanan, Kalasan, Plaosan and Sewu Temples Plus Javanese Ramayana Ballet Show: This tour of the four complexes of Candi of temples is ended up by a colossal show of Ramayana performances by more than 200 performers and musicians who enact the show in an open-air stage with Candi Prambanan as the background.
  • Full-day Mount Tangkuban Perahu and Ciater Hot Spring Tour: This tour consists of a trip to the crater of Tangkuban Perahu which is the remnant of a collapsed ancient volcano and another trip to Ciater Hot Spring in the middle of a vast tea plantation where visitors can swim in the warm water pool which ticket price is not included in the tour price.
  • Taman Safari Cisarua, Bogor and Tea Plantation Tour: This tour of the 170 hectare wide Safari Park, which includes some animal attractions and rides, many food stalls and a picnic ground is surely an experience one cannot afford to miss and it is also accompanied by the next visit to a tea plantation nearby to se the process of tea producing from the field to the packed form.
  • Full-day tour of Jakarta: This tour comprises two main destinations, the Monas in Central Jakarta or the national monument of Indonesia, a tall pillar with golden flame on top of it, that symbolizes the Indonesian spirit of freedom from colonialism and the TMII or the Miniature Park of the Beautiful Indonesia, which is located at the outskirt of South Jakarta.
  • Full-day tour of Central and North Jakarta: this tour packages consists of Monas Tower and Istiqlal Mosque which are located close to each other in Central Jakarta and then continued to the Old city of Batavia and the Sea World Ancol, both in North Jakarta
  • Two-days and One-night Tour of Ijen and Bromo Trekking: the main purpose of this highly adventurous tour is to have the close-up view of the Ijen crater and its blue flame as well as watching the sunrise from there with the background of Mount Raung in the vicinity and to see the mist-shrouded Bromo crater area.

Even the extensive description above cannot fully cover all the tour we offer. Those mentioned above are just examples but whatever choice(s) you select, we promise you our best service at the best possible prices for the sake of fulfilling the afore-mentioned motto of ours.

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